Filename | Downloader that Can Work On All Platform..:D |
Permission | rw-r--r-- |
Author | dr.t3rr0r |
Date and Time | 2:46 AM |
Label | |
Action |
1. Installation.
No installation and no setup are required.
2. Uninstallation
Delete all the files came with the compressed archive
[Windows only: Also goto Start->All programms->startup and delete the
link of XDM if exists]
3. System Requirment.
Any operating system with JRE 1.6 (JAVA6) or higher.
4. Usage
i. Windows
Run xdman.exe or xdman.bat or xdman.jar
If you want to place a shortcut on desktop or another location goto
XDM Menu ->File->Create Shortcut and select the location for
the Shortcut.
ii. Linux
If xdman.jar is not directly executable then
Open Terminal
Goto the directory where xdman.jar is located using cd command.
Type java -jar xdman.jar to execute the jar file.
Once executed you can create a shortcut to launch XDM with ease.
Creating shortcut is disscussed above.
iii. Mac or Other OS
If xdman.jar is not directly executable then
Open Terminal
Goto the directory where xdman.jar is located using cd command.
Type java -jar xdman.jar to execute the jar file.
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