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Linux Certification System dr.t3rr0r rwxr-xr-x 0 4:51 AM

Filename Linux Certification System
Permission rw-r--r--
Author dr.t3rr0r
Date and Time 4:51 AM
So, how do you become a Linux pro?

Having the right education and the right job experience would help you land a Linux-based job.  But if you need help in trying to convince hiring managers that you have the skills necessary to work with Linux, a reputable certification program just might give you an edge.

Here are some of the better known and more sought after Linux certifications available:D

1.Linux Professional Institute certifications

The Linux Professional Institute offers three levels of professional certifications: LPIC 1, LPIC 2 and LPIC 3.  The LPIC Level 1 is a junior-level certification that tests your knowledge of Linux command lines, maintenance skills, and installation and configuration know-how.

The LPIC Level 2 validates your ability to administer a small- or medium-sized site and supervise other Linux professionals.  You should also know how to plan, create, implement, maintain and secure mixed networks, as well as know which automation and other hardware tools to purchase.

The LPIC Level 3 is for senior-level Linux professionals and would test your skills in conceptualizing, installing and troubleshooting, as well as constructing LDAP software and other Linux systems.

2.Red Hat Certified Engineer

The Red Hat Certified Engineer would test your skills in using systems running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux.  You would need to be a Red Hat Certified System Administrator to pursue this certification.

3.CompTIA Linux+

CompTIA has its own Linux certification geared towards junior-level Linux administrators.  Its content is from the LPI, so getting a CompTIA Linux+ certification entitles you to become a LPIC 1 certified as well.

4.Novell Certified Linux Administrator

Novell Certified Linux Administrator (CLA) is also an entry-level certification that allows you to apply for a LPIC 1 and a CompTIA Linux+ certification if you pass the CLA, without having to pay for anything more or take additional certification exams.

After getting your CLA, you can move on to become a Novell Certified Linux Engineer, which would test for more advanced skills in Linux.

Now that you know how in-demand Linux-skilled professionals are, will you plan to boost your knowledge? Or, maybe you’ll consider one of these fields where the skills gaps is also an issue. If you need more convincing that upping your Linux skills can pay off, check out this infographic that highlights some of the more surprising stats from the study.


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